Scene in a Jar




Choose the object(s) you would like to use, then choose a jar that will have sufficient space.




Use cardboard as a base to help support the main objects. Use hot glue to secure them, and secure the base to the bottom of the jar. Fill with sand (or salt, for snowy/winter scene) until cardboard base is covered. Arrange small items and items that sit atop the sand before sealing the jar.


Avoid shaking the jar, place it in a spot where it will be safe.


What to do with this intervention:

  1. Make a story about what is happening inside.
  2. Make a safe place to go to when something is scary or feeling out of control.
  3. Choose a figure that represents you, and build a safe and/or special home for it (name all the things about this home that make you feel safe/special).

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